Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Discuss one important event or person in the past 5 or 10 years of the Internet.

Twitter, a micro blogging site, by Jack Dorsey launched in 2006. Twitter is one of the fastest growing sites on the Internet today. Recently, Marshall Kirkpatrick wrote that Twitter has just passed both the NYT and the WSJ in traffic numbers according to Compete and Quantcast. Will this just be the fad of the year or is twitter and microblogging here to stay?

Discuss one important event from the past 5 or 10 year on the Internet.

How do you use the Internet?

How do you use the Internet?

PEW Internet and American Life has a quick survey you can take about your online activities.

The Survey is at

Do you use the Internet more for connecting to friends and family, for entertainment, for getting news, or for other purposes? Would you rather use email or IM? Do you tweet?

Has the Internet improved your life or does it give you more things to do?

Do you want to connect to the Internet when you are on vacation?

How do you feel about the Internet?