Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Discuss one important event or person in the past 5 or 10 years of the Internet.

Twitter, a micro blogging site, by Jack Dorsey launched in 2006. Twitter is one of the fastest growing sites on the Internet today. Recently, Marshall Kirkpatrick wrote that Twitter has just passed both the NYT and the WSJ in traffic numbers according to Compete and Quantcast. Will this just be the fad of the year or is twitter and microblogging here to stay?

Discuss one important event from the past 5 or 10 year on the Internet.


Mrs. Braga said...

Blog 1
I use the internet for everything. I dont know how I ever got through without it. From planning our family schedules, vacations, yellow pages, homework for my husband, kids, or myself, the internet is a large part of our household. With a family of 4 and 4 computers there isnt a moment that we dont use the internet for something throughout our day.

In contrast, my mother-in-law and father are perfect examples of people who do not wish to go near a computer! My mother-in-law refuses to use one to the extent that when she needs something and knows it can be accessed via internet, she will call me to ask me to look it up. She has done this on several occassions when she needs the yellow pages, and her printed book doesnt have what she is looking for. We have tried several times to get her to accept the technology, alas she will not be swayed. My father has touched a computer; he turned my sisters computer off when it "popped up" an IM at 6am and scared him. This was quit amusing when he explained this to me.


Unknown said...

blog2 person or event in the last 5-10 years
2001- In this year Jimmy Wales created Wikipedia. Is a multilingual encyclopedia that has been written by people from all around the world. Also any person can also edit these articles is they can enter the web page. This makes the page updated quickly, which is from the name came: "wiki" from the hawaiian term quick. Wikipedia has the problem that the articles in there are not peer-reviewed so their truthfulness cannot be proved.
Even with this problem Wikipedia is one of the most popular reference place on the internet. The importance of wikipedia is the ability to create a place where anonymously people can add what they know and share it and that it can be updated at anytime by anyone.

Imitation Cherry Blossom said...

Chrisanne's blog post:

CopperTop said...

Aileen Hanuszek's Blog

Kyle Linn MacQueen Feldman said...

Kyle Linn MacQueen response:

Mrs. Braga said...

Blog 2
The greatest event on the internet in the past 10 years has to be the social networking. With facebook as the leading provider for this there are millions in who are reconnecting or meeting online all the time. There are problems with this though. Because so many people are connecting online they are less likely to go out and socialize, and feel going online is a safer alternative. This isnt necessarily true. I think the craigslist killer was a good example of how going online takes away from peoples natural sense of fear.

bill said...

Since its establishment on January 15, 2001, Wikipedia has become one of the largest reference websites, attracting at least 684 million visitors a year by 2008 ( Wikipedia is a multilingual, Web-based, free-content encyclopedia project according to its website, It is written collaboratively by volunteers from anywhere in the world, and anyone can make changes to its articles.
Today, there are over 75,000 active contributors working on more than 10,000,000 articles in over 260 languages ( There are nearly 3 million articles in English alone.

Wikipedia's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness because it is open to anyone. It can draw a large number of contributors from across the globe. It is also susceptible to incomplete or biased information.

All in all, Wikipedia is an important development on the Internet in the 21st Century.

Imitation Cherry Blossom said...

Chrisanne's blog post for blog #3:

Lark said...
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Lark said...

I'd say one of the biggest things to happen to the Internet in the past 10 years is YouTube. The creation of the video sharing site in 2005 impacted several facets of the Internet, including copyright law, video marketing, and overall user-generated content. According to an article in Time Magazine (2006), three former PayPal employees (Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim) created the site after having difficulties sharing videos from a dinner party. From there the site grew from a simple video-sharing idea to a full blown Internet phenomenon. Although it started with a "modest" $11.5 million investment, the site's popularity influenced Google to purchase the goldmine for $1.65 billion in Google stock. Forbes Magazine now estimates YouTube's earnings at $200 million a year and growing due to massive advertising.

While YouTube has been praised for its user-friendly interface, the uploading of copyrighted material got YouTube in to legal trouble. Viacom sued YouTube for $1 billion in damages, forcing YouTube to begin policing its postings. Regardless, YouTube has influenced more video-sharing websites, most noteably Hulu. It has become an important part of the everyday Internet user, teachers in the classroom, and creative individuals looking to share their work.

Lisa Gabriele said...

John Chong said...

My response:

xallie23 said...

I use the internet very frequently. I check my email, browse the web for current events, and stay in touch with friends by using sites like facebook. I have a tendency to shop a little too frequently on the web as well. It would be extremely rare for me to not use the internet every day. With that in mind, it's interesting to compare how much I use the web to someone like my grandfather, who's computer use is very minimal. I think the fact that he has such a hard time seeing the screen and/or keyboard is the reason for that. My grandfather always mentions how much he dislikes technology, but I'm sure if he were as quick with computers as the majority of our culture is, he would use the internet just as often.

Adam P. Coulter said...
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Adam P. Coulter said...

With the dubious Iranian presidential election held in June and the subsequent deluge of mass protests, rioting and then arrests and gripping violence by the government to counter the swell, technology and specifically Twitter has been highlighted as an important tool to attack and scale the stark wall of totalitarian censorship.

After the fraudulently-perceived reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the loss of reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, upset supporters of Mousavi took to the streets in peacefully and in some cases violent protest. Most foreign news journalists were barred from the demonstrations in an attempt by Tehran to manage the message. But thanks to the Internet, the message escaped and we were shown the harsh realities ensconced in Ahmadinejad's Iran.

The growing influence of social media and more broadly the Internets' reach as a means to express frustrations, help people gather and to spread world news has been given sharp illustration by these protests. Iranians posted links to videos, blogs and used Twitters' supplied 140 characters to direct people to meeting places and to avoid certain areas, all in almost real time. Probably the biggest sign of Twitters growing importance in getting information out to the world from behind the wall of government censorship was the request made by the State Dept. The Washington Post reports-
"The State Department asked social-networking site Twitter to delay scheduled maintenance earlier this week to avoid disrupting communications among tech-savvy Iranian citizens."

The Internet and more specifically social networking sites like Twitter & Facebook have filled an important niche recently and the world of communication is better for it.

Dreamer said...

Blog 2 from Nicoleta posted on

Ryan said...

Beth said...

I think the inventors of social media have had a major impact on the Internet in terms of how people are now more actively involved in communicating with others and how they can "follow" others. It has changed how people interact and how advertisers are now realizing how to ride this change.

Anonymous said...

Gina E. said...


Chancy HW Assignments said...